[0x14-5] Double Feature: Clouds & Containers

In this edition we want to pair a talk about clouds and virtualisation with a Docker Intro Workshop. On a Friday evening jackie will give a talk to shine some light on this ominous „cloud“ thingy, and on the next day we want to take 4 hours for a Docker Intro Workshop in which participants learn to spin up their first docker containers and use docker compose to build some basic service ensembles.

While the talk on Friday is more like in the format of our usual meetups, and you can just show up, for the workshop on Saturday we need to limit the number of participants and therefore ask you to register. If you want to attend the workshop, please also come for the talk (and bring your device), as we will have time for some setup afterwards.

Shine some light through this cloud – a short primer on clouds and cloud computing

In this roughly 40min talk we will shed some light on what „cloud“ is. After a (very) short history of computing, we will develop a basic understanding of how virtualisation and containerisation works. We will look at different types of „cloud“ and some applications for cloud computing. In the end we’ll have some time to look at a few live examples of „cloud“ in action.

The talk does not assume any prior technical knowledge about operating systems or networking. It is supposed to make you curious to try out some „cloud“ yourself. For this you could visit the docker intro workshop next day. For more infos see below.

Here are the space-time-coordinates for the talk:

  • on Fr, 19. April 2024 at 18 o’clock
  • in the common room on ground floor
  • at Hermann-Glück-Weg 6/4, 1120 Wien
  • Details on the location and environment under (*2)

The general schedule for this meeting will look like this:

  • 18:00 : Arrival and open chatting
  • 18:15 : General intro to the Feminist Linux Meetup and intro of participants
  • 18:30 : Talk
  • 19:10 : Discussion und open space afterwards

Docker Intro Workshop

In this workshop you will get to know the containerisation concept in practice, based on using Docker as our containerisation engine. After a short intro we’ll sturt up the Docker Playground and create and manage our first containers. Based on the Play with Docker Classroom we will look at the different modes we can use with Docker to start isolated containers and create networks, so that these containers can talk to each other. At the end we will orchestrate several containers, in order to build a microservice.

The workshop will take place

  • on Sat, 20 April 2024 from 14 to 18 o’clock
  • at the same location as the talk above.
  • Registration: send an e-mail to femlimup (ät) diebin.at until 19 April (or ask us after the talk if there is still a place left).

In case you are interested and can’t make it (either due to time or place constraints): please do write us, we are already thinking about wheter to do another remote edition of this workshop.

You don’t need any specific prior knowledge to attend the workshop. Certainly you don’t need to be a programmer or systems administrator. Of course some familiarity with programming and using the terminal are helpful. But the workshop is tailored in a way, that you can learn all the necessary shell commands to interact with Docker and the operating system on the go.

But you will need either a Docker Hub Account (which can be created for free), or a running Docker installation on your computer. Further infos will be sent to you after you registere. Also if you want to set up Docker on your system and have troubles doing so, there will be time after the talk on Friday, to look at it together.

Invitation policy and social conduct

(*) About our invitation policy and how we want to interact with each other:

The meetup (and workshop) is open to all women*, non-binary*, inter*, and trans* people, who are interested to talk about Linux and related topics. In this case, non-binary does mean that you either fully identify as „woman“ or „man“. It does not mean, that you only programme in fuzzy-logic and don’t use binary numbers. This would of course be fantasticly queer, but believe us, our computers also work with binary code most of the time 😉

With the * we mark certain words to point to the fact, that all these categories are socially constructed. That means, that they do not exist „in nature“, but that we humans interpret nature in this specific way. Therefore it is also legitimate, that people choose these categories for themselves in a way that best fits them. If that unsettles you or you want to know more about it, take a look at our article on invitation policy: https://feminist-linux.diebin.at/einladungspolitik/ (currently only available in german)

Beyond that, we want to create an atmosphere and environment that is encouraging everyone. To do so, we created a Code of Conduct, that describes what we all can do, that no one has to be uncomfortable: https://feminist-linux.diebin.at/code-of-conduct/ (currently only available in german)

In order for everyone to feel really welcome and accepted though, we want to be actively aware and foster a social environment that we describe here: https://feminist-linux.diebin.at/sozialer-rahmen/ (currently only available in german)

(*2) Details on the location and environment:

The closes public transport stations are the tram stations Eichenstraße and Marx-Meidlinger-Straße. Under the following link you find an excerpt of the wien.gv.at/stadtplan with the entry door to the common room marked: https://nextcloud.tantemalkah.at/index.php/s/HASFNEWsizRJWNX. In case you feel unsure about just walking in, you can also just walk around the corner and check out the situation first through the huge glass front of the common room.

The room itself is on the ground floor and accessible without any steps. The two toilets attached to the room unfortunately are not completely wheel-chair-accessible (they are big enough, but handles are missing). A weel-chair accessible toilet is available in the house’s other common room on the 8th floor. If needed, please write us in advance to femlimup (ät) diebin.at, so we can reserve the other room too. In the food hall next to the building there is also a wheel-chair-accesible toilet.

At our meetups we usually already have some snacks and drinks prepared. For further food needs there is a supermarket in the house, and next door there is a food hall, in which several stands also offer food for take-away.

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