Due to popular demand we are organising another installment of our recent Docker Intro Workshop, this time in a hybrid format so that people who cannot attend physically have an option to take part too. Also, to make it even more popular, we are teaming up with Women && Code and the Angewandte’s base dev team, who will co-host the workshop at the Angewandte (University of Applied Arts Vienna).
The workshop itself will be held in a hybrid format, so you can either attend in person or over Zoom. The Women && Code will host a summer party on site in the afternoon, which can be attended in person.
So, here the details and abouts:
In this workshop you will get to know the containerisation concept in practice, based on using Docker as containerisation engine. After a short intro we’ll start up the Docker Playground and create and manage our first containers. Based on the Play with Docker Classroom we will look at the different modes we can use with Docker to start isolated containers and create networks, so that these containers can talk to each other. At the end we will orchestrate several containers, in order to build a microservice.
The workshop will take place
- on Sat, 10 August 2024 from 10 to 14 o’clock
- at Vordere Zollamtstraße 7, 1010 Wien,
- in the FLUX2 seminar room on 2nd floor
- and over Zoom (link will be sent to registered participants)
You don’t need any specific prior knowledge to attend the workshop. Certainly you don’t need to be a programmer or systems administrator. Of course some familiarity with programming and using the terminal are helpful. But the workshop is tailored in a way, that you can learn all the necessary shell commands to interact with Docker and the operating system on the go.
If you are rather new to cloud technology, we suggest you watch the recording of Jackie’s talk „Shine Some Light Through This Cloud“ (~30min on YouTube), which we preceded previous installments of this workshop, including some discussion on the evening before the workshop. It will give you some basic understanding of virtualisation and containerisation principles. In case of doubt you can also just quickly check the slides of this talk, to see if this is already familiar enough to you.
For the workshop you will need your own computing device and either a Docker Hub Account (which can be created for free), or a running Docker installation. Further infos will be sent to you after you register.
In order to register, please send an e-mail to jackie (ät) uni-ak.ac.at until 9 August (the earlier the better, places are limited), with the info whether you want to attend in person or over Zoom.
Currently there are still 0 of 20 places left. If you are open for potential short-notice participation, you still can register for the waiting list. We’ll send out a mail on the day before then, if places become free again.
Invitation policy and social conduct
(*) About our invitation policy and how we want to interact with each other:
The workshop is open to all women*, non-binary*, inter*, and trans* people, who are interested to try out Docker. In this case, non-binary does mean that you neither fully identify as „woman“ or „man“. It does not mean, that you only programme in fuzzy-logic and don’t use binary numbers. This would of course be fantasticly queer, but believe us, our computers also work with binary code most of the time 😉
With the * we mark certain words to point to the fact, that all these categories are socially constructed. That means, that they do not exist „in nature“, but that we humans interpret nature in this specific way. Therefore it is also legitimate, that people choose these categories for themselves in a way that best fits them. If that unsettles you or you want to know more about it, take a look at our article on invitation policy: https://feminist-linux.diebin.at/einladungspolitik/ (currently only available in german)
Beyond that, we want to create an atmosphere and environment that is encouraging everyone. To do so, we created a Code of Conduct, that describes what we all can do, that no one has to be uncomfortable: https://feminist-linux.diebin.at/code-of-conduct/ (currently only available in german)
In order for everyone to feel really welcome and accepted though, we want to be actively aware and foster a social environment that we describe here: https://feminist-linux.diebin.at/sozialer-rahmen/ (currently only available in german)
(*2) Details on the location and environment:
The building at Vordere Zollamstraße 7 is very close to the U4/U3 and S-Bahn station Wien Mitte. Here is a link to the building on OpenStreetMap: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/176477793 The seminar room can be reached from the front door of the building by walking into the Atrium (the big hall in the center) and using the elevators on the right to go to second floor. When you then look into the Atrium, turn right and you should already see the seminar room in the center. We will put up signs for you to follow. The building and its facilities are wheel-chair accessible. All building accessibility information of the Angewandte can be found on this page: The Angewandte barrier-free
We will have a few cookies, chocolate and fruit ready for the workshop, but please bring along anything particular you need to eat and drink. There is a kitchen next to the semianr room where you can get fresh drinking water. There are several stores and supermarkets at Wien Mitte where you can get more food and drinks if needed. About an hour after the workshop there will be pizza and some drinks provided by the Women && Code summer party.
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